In any game where there are many heroes, it is difficult for the players to choose the best ones. Awaken Chaos Era is no exception and we are has compiled an up-to-date Tier List that should help with this task.
Grades explanations
Grade | Notes |
S | Best in class |
A | Good hero, often used |
B | Average hero. Useful in specific situations |
C | Weak hero |
D | Do not use. Very weak hero |
Tier List Awaken Chaos Era
If you have not found the hero you are looking for in the Tier List Awaken Chaos Era above, then he does not yet have a rating. Stay tuned for updates to this list, the hero will definitely appear!
Ou est Sylan ? pour moi un must have a avoir dans une equipe DPS
Hi there, after reading this awesome post i am also glad to share my knowledge here with friends.
Tier lists are always bullshit in games where thre is many factors that allow a character to perform well or not at all. Depending of elements, of the team composition, of the content where you use it, etc.
But people still don’t understand how the games works and still rely on this to make choices… Feelsbadman
Glad to see the tier list got updated since closed beta/soft launch. I noticed Marion is listed both in A tier for Epics and S tier. I think shes a great unit and use her all the time. Also am surprised to see Nat A tier when shes probably one of the best units in the game. I really expected her to be S tier tbh.
Wow that was strange. I just wrote an incredibly long comment but after I
clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr…
well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyhow, just wanted to say excellent blog and Tier List for ACE!
I’m hoping this list evolves as more people play. Many heroes have changed since the closed beta tests.