Ztlin guide


FactionDragonscale Marsh

Detailed Stats

Health 7,218
Crit. Rate6%
Crit. Damage150%




Grants Delay Fate to all team members.

Ascension Effects:

Grants Delay Fate II to all team members.

Delay Fate II

+20% Accuracy and Precision.

Curse of Confusion


Deals 100% damage to an enemy and applies Precision Down for 1 turn(s).

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Damage +10%.

Precision Down

-30 Precision.



Grants Shield before any team member takes damage. 30% of damage received is converted into Heal Over Time for 1 turn(s). Can only be triggered once per turn.

Level 2:

+5% healing strength.

Level 3:

+5% healing strength.


Redirects some damage from the target to this character.

Heal Over Time

Restores this character’s Health at the start of the turn.

Omen of Demise



Deals 100% damage to an enemy and applies Curse for 2 turn(s).

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 4:

Damage +10%.

Level 5:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 6:

Damage +10%.


For the duration of this effect, 100% of damage taken by this character is taken at the time of tallying. [Unremovable]

Recommended Sets

Raptor Set

+20% Focus.

Raider Set

+15 Speed.

Terra Set

+15% Health.



Pair with Hector to increase damage from Ztlin’s ultimate ability.


Pair with Ciara to increase damage from Ztlin’s ultimate ability.


Arena (Offense)

Arena (Defense)

No Man's Land: Bane Wraith

No Man's Land: Flame Lizard

No Man's Land: Wrathful Flood

No Man's Land: Lord of Holy Light

No Man's Land: Shadow Captive

Arcane Dominator: Roaring tulpa

Arcane Dominator: Ash Magisteria

Arcane Dominator: Queen of Tides

Arcane Dominator: Witch of Wind

Arcane Dominator: Gemini Dragon

Armored Incursion (Wood)

Armored Incursion (Fire)

Armored Incursion (Water)


Biography Variant 1 (ZBT).

The subterranean darkness under the rocks of the Mountain Kingdom conceal an ancient species known in the human tongue as “Lizardmen”. This peculiar species of cold-blooded reptiles lives in vast, subterranean habitats that no light has touched, close to the beating heart of the planet’s warm, magna core. Thousands upon thousands of eggs are laid, incubated, and then hatched in vast birthing pools regulated by the humidity of the deep underground and heat from the distant rivers of magma. Tens of thousands of eggs can be expected to introduce new lizardmen to the ranks of the Hive with each birthing cycle. None could identify their parents, and would most likely appear indistinguishable from one another to the human eye outside of the physical differences associated with the four-tier Lizardman cast system.

Lizardman eggs hatch randomly into one of four broad castes: Lizardmen, Lizardmen Brutes, Channelers, and Spectrals. Those born into the ordinary and Brute castes are effectively beasts of burden with very limited critical thinking skills. Channelers are capable of independent thought and can wield primitive magics, but the Spectral lizardmen are the brains of the Hive. The loss of all Spectral Lizardmen over centuries of war with the dwarves had dealt an enormous blow to the Lizardmen, and given the dwarves free rein to expand their mines further and further into the vast underground. The recent birth of Ztlin has dramatically improved the Lizardmen’s fortunes, the first Spectral in nearly a century and probably one of the most powerful Lizardman sorcerers of the last thousand years.

Anointed the title of the “Great Prophet” by the Lizardmen soon after his birth and abilities became known, Ztlin, a figure of worship and veneration among his people, has led the  Lizardmen out of their dark hiding places and into several successful engagements with the dwarfs. As a Spectral, Ztlin is capable of much more complex thinking than the lower castes, who are naturally obedient to their superior. Ztlin has in fact unified the Hive into an unbreakable unity through the aid of Channelers who telepathically convey his commands to the lower caste Brute and ordinary Lizardmen. Ztlin’s incredible telekinetic powers do not even require conscious intervention: a telltale sign of Ztlin’s ponderous meditations is a wall of shimmering energy that Ztlin’s mind automatically generates to shield itself from potential intrusions when vulnerable. This power can be channeled into violent electrical storms that have been known to tear well-made dwarven armor from their bodies like leaves blown by the wind. Ztlin is a great believer in the “manifest destiny” of his people to one day rule all of Aurelica once the “passing phase” of the younger, hot-blooded races has ended.

The near-extinction of the dragonkind, the Lizardmen’s serpent cousins, has all but confirmed to Ztlin the superior nature of their fast breeding cycle and collectivism over the haughty, individualistic dragons. For all intents and purposes, the dwarves may appear to control the Mountain Kingdom, but Ztlin might already have the strength to flush these noxious topside inhabitants out with a concentrated strike with his increasingly massive army. Ztlin is nothing if not a careful planner and must be assured of victory beforehand. His forces have been steadily moving through the mines, attacking peripheral settlements while cutting off escape routes or trapping fleeing warriors with magic. Dwarves can only watch on in horror as contact is lost with one outer settlement after another, and from which no survivors return to tell of what happened. Ztlin knows the hour is coming when the Mountain Kingdom will once again belong entirely to the Lizardmen.

Biography Variant 2.

The cold-blooded Lizardmen dwell in the dense swamps of Dragonscale Marsh where thousands upon thousands of eggs are laid, incubated, and then hatched in vast birthing pools regulated by the humidity of the inhospitable bog. Tens of thousands of eggs can be expected to introduce new lizardmen to the ranks of the Hive with each birthing cycle. None could identify their parents, and would most likely appear indistinguishable from one another to the human eye outside of the physical differences associated with the four-tier Lizardman cast system. Lizardman eggs hatch randomly into one of four broad castes: Lizardmen, Lizardmen Brutes, Channelers, and Spectrals. Those born into the ordinary and Brute castes are effectively beasts of burden with very limited critical thinking skills. Channelers are capable of independent thought and can wield primitive magics, but the Spectral lizardmen are the brains of the Hive.

The loss of all Spectral Lizardmen over centuries of war with the dwarves dealt an enormous blow to the Lizardmen, giving the dwarves free rein to mine further and further underground and poison the adjacent Marsh with more and more toxic runoff and acidic smog. The recent birth of Ztlin has dramatically improved the Lizardmen’s fortunes, the first Spectral in nearly a century and probably one of the most powerful Lizardman sorcerers of the last thousand years.

Anointed the title of the “Great Prophet” by the Lizardmen soon after his birth and abilities became known, Ztlin, a figure of worship and veneration among his people, has led the Lizardmen out of their dark hiding places and into several successful engagements with the dwarfs. As a Spectral, Ztlin is capable of much more complex thinking than the lower castes, who are naturally obedient to their superior. Ztlin has in fact unified the Hive into an unbreakable unity through the aid of Channelers who telepathically convey his commands to the lower caste Brute and ordinary Lizardmen. Ztlin’s incredible telekinetic powers do not even require conscious intervention: a telltale sign of Ztlin’s ponderous meditations is a wall of shimmering energy that Ztlin’s mind automatically generates to shield itself from potential intrusions when vulnerable. This power can be channeled into violent electrical storms that have been known to tear well-made dwarven armor from their bodies like leaves blown by the wind. For all intents and purposes, the dwarves may appear to control the Mountain Kingdom, but Ztlin might already have the strength to flush these noxious inhabitants out with a concentrated strike with his increasingly massive army. Ztlin is nothing if not a careful planner and must be assured of victory beforehand. His forces have been steadily moving through the mines, attacking peripheral settlements while cutting off escape routes or trapping fleeing warriors with magic. Dwarves can only watch on in horror as contact is lost with one outer settlement after another, and from which no survivors return to tell of what happened. Ztlin knows the hour is coming when the Mountain Kingdom will once again belong entirely to the Lizardmen.

1 thought on “Ztlin”

  1. Ztlin is a beast for dungeon teams, and probably eventually high end arena… his final ability will repeat the damage done to the target while the debuff is active. Set a team with atk buff/armor break -> Ztlin -> Hector debuff -> nuker and it will wipe the floor with most dungeons if your gear is decent.

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