Mulhex guide


FactionDragonscale Marsh

Detailed Stats

Health 7,218
Crit. Rate6%
Crit. Damage150%


Battle Instinct


Any attack by an ally affected by Attack Up against an enemy reduces this character’s ability cooldowns by 1 turn.

Ascension Effects:

Any attack by an ally buffed with a positive effect reduces this character’s ability cooldowns by 1 turn.



Deals 100% damage to an enemy, with a 30% chance to apply Defense Down for 2 turn(s).

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Damage +10%.

Defense Down

-30% Defense.




Deals 100% damage to all enemies. If this character has Attack Up, then launches a bonus attack with this ability.

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 4:

Damage +10%.

Attack Up

+30% Attack.




Deals 200% damage to an enemy and applies Defense Down for 2 turn(s). Grants Attack Up to all team members for 2 turn(s).

Level 2:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 3:

Damage +20%.

Level 4:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 5:

Damage +20%.

Defense Down

-30% Defense.

Attack Up

+30% Attack.

Recommended Sets

Warrior Set

+15% Attack.

Rage Set

+20% Crit. Rate.

Assassin Set

Attacks have a 50% chance to deal bonus 50% damage.



Arena (Offense)

Arena (Defense)

No Man's Land: Bane Wraith

No Man's Land: Flame Lizard

No Man's Land: Wrathful Flood

No Man's Land: Lord of Holy Light

No Man's Land: Shadow Captive

Arcane Dominator: Roaring tulpa

Arcane Dominator: Ash Magisteria

Arcane Dominator: Queen of Tides

Arcane Dominator: Witch of Wind

Arcane Dominator: Gemini Dragon

Armored Incursion (Wood)

Armored Incursion (Fire)

Armored Incursion (Water)


The subterranean darkness under the rocks of the Mountain Kingdom conceal an ancient species known in the human tongue as “Lizardmen”. This peculiar species of cold-blooded reptiles lives in vast, subterranean habitats that no light has touched, close to the beating heart of the planet’s warm, magna core. Thousands upon thousands of eggs are laid, incubated, and then hatched in vast birthing pools regulated by the humidity of the deep underground and heat from the distant rivers of magma. Tens of thousands of eggs can be expected to introduce new lizardmen to the ranks of the Hive with each birthing cycle. None could identify their parents, and would most likely appear indistinguishable from one another to the human eye outside of the physical differences associated with the four-tier Lizardman cast system. Lizardman eggs hatch randomly into one of four broad castes: Lizardmen, Lizardmen Brutes, Channelers, and Spectrals. 

Brutes are by far the physically strongest and largest of their species, capable of great acts of physical strength and none moreso than Mulhex, who towers above even the strongest of the other Brute Lizardmen. Mulhex’s mighty exploits against the hated dwarves of the Mountain Kingdom include the destruction of an entire battalion of well-armed dwarven scouts, which Mulhex achieved by laying extremely still in the deep ice for such an extraordinary length of time that even the Dwarven patrolmen became convinced of the safety of their surroundings. Nightfall came and Mulhex prepared to attack the sleeping patrol only to discover that his tail had effectively frozen into a block of ice. He ripped it off and then fell upon the sleeping warriors with fury in a battle from which few, among them future Elder of the Coldsteel Clan, Lordrec, escaped. 

Mulhex brought the severed heads of the dwarves before the Lizardmen at the Hive, and Ztlin the Prophet declared that a notable marvel had been performed among them. Ztlin crafted a tail of shimmering ice and bestowed upon Mulhex a symbol of strength – the “Spear of the Prophet”. Mulhex has since achieved many further victories for the Lizardmen soldiers under Ztlin’s command, who has declared that the appearance of such a mighty Brute to be evidence enough of the gods’ will for the Lizardmen to finally drive the dwarves out of the Mountain Kingdom altogether. Mulhex now leads a patrol of elite Lizardman Destroyers against isolated dwarven groups, and whose telltale roar over the range inspires much fear in those who know of its implications.

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