Hero Synthesis

Today we gonna talk about the hero synthesis in Awaken Chaos Era game. We will learn advantages and disadvantages, how to get it and what for. Alright, let’s go.

What is it

Hero synthesis is a process to make 3 Legendaries or 4 Epic heroes with feeding missing parts which are another heroes and it’s upgraded copies. They are Siress, Savannah, Tia, Santis, Vance, Hakrin and MogNar.

This synthesis is not a limited time thing. There is no current time, where they’re gonna disappear or time is ending. The characters that go into process are fairly common and easy to get. These Epics and Elites are easy to farm and summon.

Where to find Synthesis

To use Hero Synthesis option, you need to go to interactive menu on the right of the main screen and tap on Altar icon. Here, you will see three icon bars named: Promote, Hero Synthesis and Banishment. So, choose the middle one.

Then you will see synthesis options on the right. The center gold statue is a hero to choose for creation. There are some icons and menu with notes. You will see there which heroes you need to collect and ascend to create a new one.

Heroes Preview

Requirements: Level 50 Santis, Vance, Hakrin and Mognar without ascensions.

Requirements: Level 50 Hakrin, Hugh, Urzag and Melizza without ascensions.

  • Tia (Legendary)

Requirements: Level 50 Andre, Lordrec, Bruszakk and Rickard without ascensions.

Requirements: Level 30 Elson, Freya, Joseph and Rujago at maximum ascensions.

Requirements: Level 30 Marian, Anna, Abbott and Tuzago at maximum ascensions.

Requirements: Level 30 Evelyn, Cece, Valuk and Mulago at maximum ascensions.

Requirements: Level 30 Charles, Dulov, Vidar, Maluk at maximum ascensions.


Out of these in the current list Savanna is probably going to be the best one that you can get. She’s a very good dps nuker. However, problem with her is that you have to get all these fodder characters to level 50 ascension zero. It means that you will have to get them all the way to level 50, you don’t have to ascend them and then you have to unlock them. And you have to do that all four times here to then create Savannah. It takes a lot of resources to get these legendaries, because getting 50s and 60s in the game does take quite a bit of time, resources and dedication to actually upgrade those uncommons all the way up and your foodies all the way up.

Synthesis for this epic Hakrin is probably one of the better ones in the game. He’s a very solid and good champion, a high defense, high hp champion. He does a lot of good things, so if you are really struggling in the game and you need a good water support tanky unit, he would probably be worth it.

Getting these epics are a lot easier. MogNar is pretty decent as well, he’s got a defensive downwards, Santis is important to defeat bosses in Dungeons, Siress could be the part of your main team, definitely keep these characters in mind before you go to make the decision to do hero synthesis.

So, that’s all for today about the hero synthesis in Awaken Chaos Era. Good luck, have a good time in game and write your comments below!

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