Gemini Dragon

Gemini Dragon in Awaken Chaos Era is the boss of one of the dungeons called Arcane Dominator. So here you can get as a reward some gear sets like Guard Set, Rebel Set and Divine Set.


Gemini Dragon boss’es skills.

Skill nameEffect
Dragon LineageWhen Health falls below 50%, uses Dragon Breath and enhances all of this character’s abilities.
Insatiable FuryAttacks on this character grant 1 stack of Fury. This character enters permanent Berserk Mode at 10 stacks.
Purple LightningDeals damage to 2 enemies and removes all of their positive effects.
Tail SweepDeals damage to all enemies and grants a bonus turn at the end of the round.
Dragon BreathDamages all enemies. The damage dealt by this attack scales with the amount of Health lost by targets.
Air AssaultDamages all enemies and removes all positive effects from targets. A removal boosts damage dealt to the target by +100%.
Wing StrikeDeals damage to all enemies and applies No Positive Effects for 2 turn(s).
Dragon FlameDeals True Damage to all enemies. Damage dealt by this attack scales with the target’s Max Health.

Other enemy’s skills.

Ragehammer Guard (L)
BeatDeals damage to an enemy.
Defense BoostApplies Defense Up II to the boss for 2 turns.
 Ragehammer Guard (R)
BeatDeals damage to an enemy.
Damage ImmunityApplies Immune to the boss for 2 turns.


This boss is really hard one. Let’s see, what we need here is multiplied passive damage. If you will use AOE-attacks, Dragon can switch on his Berserk mode. If you will reduce its Health too fast, Gemini will restore the charge of all its abilities. This boss can damage with AOE-effect, can debuff and block positive casts, etc. It is just pure madness)). Also he has two helpers – commanders of guard at the endgame (after 7th stage).

Great passive damage to use is Poison effect. You can choose several heroes to deal this Poison damage. So, it would be better to attack this boss manually. Do not forget to switch your AOE-hero cards to inactive mode, it will stop ultimate usage. Of course you need to pick Support heroes to remove debuff and heal, buff defense. Step by step do single attacks to guards, you can focus on the right one first, then kill the left guard. It is good to use counterattack effect too.


Now, the elementality of your opponents here in this dungeon will be Dark. If we will think about elemental synergy, it will be useful to pick some Light characters. This time just pay your attention to hero skills and level.

Best Heroes to pick for this Dungeon boss are: Evelyn Firstdawn, Abaddon, Hydrissea, Zatlux, Mary, Connor, Blackhorn, Celestial Kane, Valuk, Santis, Gangelo, Ghajar, William, Hakrin, Evelyn, Elson.

Basic team may contents of Poisonous trio team Santis, Gangelo, Ghajar and Hakrin (or Hydrissea). It is very f2p friendly heroes pack. Or pick Valuk instead of Ghajar.

Another team can contain Evelyn Firstdawn, Santis, Gangelo, William. You can use Covenants system in the game to pick Connor. Quite often, Hydrassea drops out in Advanced summon. Go to Altar and try to use synthesis to get Santis and Hakrin.

You can also combine some other heroes in variants of teambuilding, for example, use as base Poison duo Santis, Gangelo, then add tank Hakrin and healer Blackhorn. In early game you can choose Evelyn, Valuk, Connor and Elson, just play around and try some.

Of course to make a progress in the dungeon you should upgrade heroes. If you will look at hero’s skills, there are some levels of each ability. To maximize hero’s abilities go to the Altar and make promotion, use resources (jelly) to upgrade in Heroes menu and use hero’s copies to ascend and so on.

  • Legendary hero Evelyn Firstdawn. Great support, huge amount of Health, gives your team Defense and Attack, makes single attacks, casts Defense Down II and could use AOE (but we do not need it here),
  • Legendary hero Hydrissea. She is a tanky damage dealer. So she will be defeating guards and deal damage to boss. Her Speed Down buff working pretty good.
  • Legendary hero Gangelo. He is a tanky damage dealer. Applies Poison damage, single and AOE attacks.
  • Legendary hero Blackhorn. He is a support with healing skills. Also applies Attack down to an enemy.
  • Epic hero Hakrin. He is a real tank here, very stable. So it is predictable the boss to attack this hero first. Also his third skill with Taunt debuff can bring a little bit more damage.
  • Epic hero Santis. Great tanky girl with big amount of health, brings damage with Poison effect. Building with Gangelo her Poison damage will be increased.
  • Epic hero Ghajar. His role here to use Unhealable effect and do a counterattack. He reduces Resistance, make Focus of enemy Down and finally deals damage with Poison.
  • Epic hero William. His role is tanky support with buffing team-defense, counter-attack and enemy’s defense debuffing. It will help you while imps attack. He casts Counterattack effect to all team members.
  • Elite hero Connor. His role is support with buffing team-heal, team-defense. It will help you while minions attacks. Connor casts Attack Up effect, so it will help to deal damage.
  • Elite hero Valuk. He have AOE-attacks (which we switch off here), Poison damage and counterattack, good one.

Hero level for midgame: Level 50, Tier 4 Glyphs, Level 12+ Gear with Attack (+3000), Critical Rate (+100%) and Critical Damage (150%+).
Hero level for endgame: Level 60, Tier 5 Glyphs, Level 12+ Gear with Attack (+3500), Critical Rate (100%) and Critical Damage (150%+).

That’s all for now about Gemini Dragon in Awaken Chaos Era, please leave your comments down below, it is very useful for players! Good luck, guys!

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