Free Advanced Summon Crystals x5 gift pack

LDPlayer is offering you a redeem code to get Advanced Summon Crystals x5 gift pack from its store for the game Awaken Chaos Era. Go to their official website to download and get this free gift code!!!

If you don’t know how to install LDPlayer on your PC, then read this guide.

  1. Go to the emulator and open the LD Store menu
  2. Then select the “Gift pack” tab
  1. Gifts have a limited number, so if you didn’t get a pack, check back periodically and check for new gifts.
  2. You can also try changing the language of the application, as the number of gifts for different regions is different.
  1. In the window that appears, it is written how to activate the received code.
    1. Enter to the main screen of the Awaken: Chaos Era and press on the orange cross on the top right.
    2. Select the “Settings” menu.
    3. Select the “Account” tab and press “Redemption Code” button.
    4. In the window that appears, enter the code and click the “Confirm” button. If everything went well, you can take your reward from the in-game mail.
  1. Click on receive button and copy the gift code.
  1. Then go to the game through the emulator, activate the code and pick up free Advanced Summon Crystals x5 gift pack.

We wish you successful calls and many legendary heroes.

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