UPDATE 02/12/2021

Game Updates

[Achievement] Added a series of Adventure achievements on Mythic mode, that provide increased amounts of Energy rewards.
[Drop] Added a new item: Arena Pack, which has a chance of dropping in energy-consuming battles.
[Hero] Updated the hero strategy system.
[Stage] Reduced the difficulty of some stages from chapter 8 to chapter 10 of the Adventure in hard mode.
[Tower] Reduced the Energy consumption of Tower mode from 5 points to 2 points. All players will be rewarded with 5 Meal Coupons.

Fixes and Optimization

[Optimization] Optimized the health recovery mechanic of Berial.
[Optimization] Fixed the wrong Shield effect display of Tulpa.
[Optimization] Fixed the crashing issue when with Imogen in battle.
[Optimization] Fixed the counterattack description error of Tulpa.
[Optimization] Fixed the ability effect of Asrina.
[Optimization] Fixed that the Ice Shard would be triggered repeatedly when two Hydrissea were present.
[Optimization] Fixed the incorrect line-breaking issue on mobile devices.
[Optimization] Optimized the interface effects of the Rookie Challenge.
[Optimization] Optimized the battle record display of the Guild bosses.
[Optimization] Fixed the issue that diamonds were not issued correctly after the official subscription of Monthly Card started.
[Optimization] Optimized a text display error on the Ascension interface.
[Optimization] Optimized the music plug-in that caused the problem of not being able to uninstall music.
[Optimization] Optimized a crashing issue on the formation saving interface.
[Optimization] Fixed a bug where the priority target selected in battle would be invalid when the next wave started.
[Optimization] Fixed the abnormal display of some product ad prop tips.
[Optimization] Fixed the description error of Antinua’s Trait.
[Optimization] Fixed that same legendary hero may appear in different result combinations in the Rookie Summon.
[Optimization] Fixed a typographic display error and a time calculation error on the Multi-Battle interface.
[Optimization] Changed a wrong Challenge Quest name from “Auto Ash Magisteria 7” to “Auto Ash Magisteria 10”.
[Optimization] Fixed the description error of Challenge Quest: Upgrade Abilities.
[Optimization] Fixed the prompting errors when switching on and off the EXP Potion.
[Optimization] Optimized the interface for viewing a friend’s information.
[Optimization] Fixed a progress display issue on the Tower reward interface.
[Optimization] Fixed the clicking error of the Purchase button in the Shop.
[Optimization] Fixed that the number of members was not refreshed in time when viewing other guild information.

Performance Optimization

[Performance] Optimized the texture size of some art resources.
[Performance] Optimized the performance of some scenes.

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