Aubry guide



Detailed Stats

Health 7,549
Crit. Rate6%
Crit. Damage150%




Leader Ability: In PvP battles, all team members’ Focus is increased by 30%.

Heals any team member under enemy attack below 50% Health for 15% of Max Health. Cooldown: 1 round.

Ascension Effects:

Heals any team member under enemy attack below 50% Health for 15% of Max Health. Cooldown: 1 round. Removes a negative effect from a random team member at the start of the turn.



Deals 100% damage to an enemy and heals whichever team member has the lowest percentage of Health remaining for 11% of Max Health.

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Damage +10%.

Level 4:

Damage +10%.

Level 5:

Healing +3%.

Soul Devotional



Grants a bonus turn to a team member at the end of the round as well as Attack Up for 3 turn(s) and Crit. Damage Up for 2 turn(s).

Level 2:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 3:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 4:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 5:

Duration of Attack Up is extended by 1 turn(s).

Attack Up

+30% Attack.

Crit. Damage Up

+30% Crit. Damage.

Consumptive Rhapsody



Deals 160% damage to all enemies and applies No Positive Effects for 2 turn(s). Grants teamwide Immune for 2 turn(s).

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 4:

Damage +10%.

Level 5:

Damage +10%.

No Positive Effects

This character will not be affected by any subsequent positive effects.


This character will not be affected by any subsequent negative effects.

Recommended Sets

Raider Set

+15 Speed.

Raptor Set

+20% Focus.



Arena (Offense)

Arena (Defense)

No Man's Land: Bane Wraith

No Man's Land: Flame Lizard

No Man's Land: Wrathful Flood

No Man's Land: Lord of Holy Light

No Man's Land: Shadow Captive

Arcane Dominator: Roaring tulpa

Arcane Dominator: Ash Magisteria

Arcane Dominator: Queen of Tides

Arcane Dominator: Witch of Wind

Arcane Dominator: Gemini Dragon

Armored Incursion (Wood)

Armored Incursion (Fire)

Armored Incursion (Water)

Armored Incursion (Light)


The mysterious “Soul Lanterner” appears to be a mage of few words and even less emotion, no doubt partially on account of the face he keeps hidden behind a mask while grimly collecting the departed souls of Soulplunder’s enemies to his lantern. Indeed, Aubry is rather different from his colleagues in many ways, including a pronounced lack of enthusiasm toward their sacred mission of overthrowing the Light, which most have interpreted as a reflection of inner deadness rather than cynicism against the Dark, in whose service he seems happy enough to wield his prodigious skill. Yet none can say for sure since the man holds to his own counsel.

“3007… I still need 3007 sacrifices to restore the core of her soul.” So saying, Aubry grips the soul lantern more tightly. Could the Dark’s servant-puppet feel something after all? It is difficult to tell the thoughts of an emotionless mask well-accustomed to life in this lawless realm.

So has a Master Astrologer of better days made himself like a man long-dead for the promise of returning his daughter back to the living. His indefatigable love and mournful grief at her passing has become the one emotion singularly defining the rest of his life, against which not even his betrayal of the Light and portion with the Dark can thwart his intent to behold her smile once again…

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