Aphronie guide



Detailed Stats

Health 7,329
Crit. Rate8%
Crit. Damage150%


Spiritual Armor


Lifesteal is increased by 50%. Gains 3 at the start of battle and 1 Rage on each attack. Upon taking fatal damage, if this hero has 4 Rage, consumes all Rage to convert the damage received into healing.

Ascension Effects:

Lifesteal is increased by 50%. Gains 3 at the start of battle and 1 Rage on each attack. Upon taking fatal damage, if this hero has 4 Rage, consumes all Rage to convert the damage received into healing. The Berserker state is replaced with Berserker II.


Gains 1 Rage at the start of the turn. Active attacks’ damage scales with this hero’s current Health. State ends when Health drops below 20%.

Berserker II

Gains 1 Rage at the start of the turn. Active attacks’ damage significantly scales with this hero’s current Health. State ends when Health drops below 20%.

Spirit Bolt


Deals 130% damage to 1 enemy and applies Attack Down to them for 2 turn(s).

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Damage +10%.

Level 4:

Damage +10%.

Attack Down

-30% Attack.

Earth Tremor


When struck by a Critical Strike, reduces damage received by 50% and launches a counterattack to deal 200% damage to the attacker (1-round cooldown).

Level 2:

Damage +10%.

Level 3:

Damage +10%.

Level 4:

Damage +10%.

Level 5:

Damage +10%.

Level 6:

Damage +20%.

Psychic Blast



Spirit Shock



Gains 2 Rage, enters the Berserker state, and deals 260% damage to 1 enemy. Also gains Defense Pierce Up for 3 turn(s).

Level 2:

Damage +20%.

Level 3:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 4:

Damage +20%.

Level 5:

Damage +20%.

Gains 2 Rage, deals 165% damage to all enemies, and gains Defense Pierce Up for 3 turn(s).

Level 2:

Damage +15%.

Level 3:

Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).

Level 4:

Damage +15%.

Level 5:

Damage +15%.


Gains 1 Rage at the start of the turn. Active attacks’ damage scales with this hero’s current Health. State ends when Health drops below 20%.

Defense Pierce Up

+30% Defense Pierce.

Defense Pierce Up

+30% Defense Pierce.

Recommended Sets

Revival Set

Restores 10% of Max Health at the start of the turn or 20% if under 50% Health. Can only be triggered 2 times per round.

Cursed Set

After attacking, there is a 35% chance to launch a bonus attack using this character’s basic ability. Can be triggered once per turn.

Assassin Set

Attacks deals 15% more damage to the main target and have a 50% chance of dealing additional 35% damage.



Arena (Offense)

Arena (Defense)

No Man's Land: Bane Wraith

No Man's Land: Flame Lizard

No Man's Land: Wrathful Flood

No Man's Land: Lord of Holy Light

No Man's Land: Shadow Captive

Arcane Dominator: Roaring tulpa

Arcane Dominator: Ash Magisteria

Arcane Dominator: Queen of Tides

Arcane Dominator: Witch of Wind

Arcane Dominator: Gemini Dragon

Armored Incursion (Wood)

Armored Incursion (Fire)

Armored Incursion (Water)

Armored Incursion (Light)


Coming Soon…

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